All things at
all church

Stay in the know with everything happening at All Church

General Announcements

Come use our lobby from 9-5 Monday-Thursday. Free coffee and wifi.

21 DAY PRAYER AND FASTING: January 13 - February 02
We encourage you to join us in a church-wide 21 day prayer and fast. "Biblical fasting is a Christian's
voluntary and spiritual denial of a normal function of daily life for the sake of intense spiritual activity and growth."

Have you ever been interested in becoming a licensed foster parent? All Church is providing free pre-placement training through Focus on Youth in house on Tuesdays from January 14th-February 25th. This completes all classroom requirements for foster care licensure outside of the First Aid and CPR course. Childcare and dinner will be provided, registration is required. Please reach out to with any questions. Registration can be found here.

Before moving forward with baptism here at All Church, we ask that you have a conversation with one of our pastors. If you are interested in being baptized, please fill out this form and one of them will follow up to set up a time to meet with you!
Thursday Morning Prayer Meetings
Join us every Thursday morning at 6:30am to pray for 45 minutes for All Church, the city, the nation, the world, and the Kingdom of God. Come join us, the coffee is hot! 

Upcoming Events

Check out all of our upcoming events by clicking on the button below.

Join The Crew

Come serve and help us reach those who are far from God.